What to expect on the day you attend your appointment.
Covid-19, PPE and Infection Control Policy
To comply with the latest government guidelines I have implemented a few changes to appointments that you need to be aware of:
Please do not attend your appointment if you or anyone in your household is experiencing a fever, continuous cough, flu-like symptoms, malaise/fatigue or have noticed a recent change to your smell or taste.
Please note anyone in the high-risk group or who have been asked to shield for 12 weeks by the NHS cannot yet be seen for a face-to-face appointment
If you need to make any last minute changes to your appointment please contact me by calling or texting directly on 07734200874. For the period of the Covid-19 pandemic, all cancellation fees have been waived, but please, out of respect, cancel as soon as you know you need to.
When you arrive, I will be in full PPE (Personal Protection Equipment) as required by Public Health England, The General Osteopathic Council and my insurers. That includes protective goggles, face mask (Type FFP2), gloves and disposable apron over my clinic attire.
Please do not arrive early for your appointment to reduce any waiting time outside. Please wait outside in the courtyard, I will fetch you. If it is raining, there is an awning.
Please come alone, unless you are the parent of the child being treated, or need a chaperone or translator. Anyone else will be asked to wait outside.
I will give you a sterile mask. Please put this on before entering the building with me and leave it on until after you have.
The clinic will not have a receptionist at this time so the reception area is closed.
There will be half an hour between each patient to ensure proper sanitisation and room aeration for your safety within the building. This means appointment availability is limited.
The treatment room is upstairs, I will follow you. Try to avoid touching anything on the way up, unless of course you need to hold the handrail. I will be sanitising as we go.
There will be hand washing facilities and sanitiser available to both wash your hands and sanitise them prior to and after your appointment.
Please be assured that I am doing all that I reasonably can to make your treatment safe and I am acting in strict accordance with national guidance from Public Health England (PHE) regarding Covid-19 to minimise risk whilst remaining open. However, despite these measures it is not possible to eliminate all possible risk.
If you develop Covid-19 symptoms or test positive at any time in the 7 days following your appointment please let me know as soon as possible so we can reschedule.
And lastly, I would like to thank you from the bottom of my heart for your patience, support and valued custom at this time.